There’s a lot of name-calling that happens when a new generation enters the workforce. And right now it’s Generation Y’s turn to be bullied by the older kids on the work playground. But that doesn’t mean they’re (we’re) taking it lying down.
The Wall Street Journal says that Gen Y will make up 40% of the workforce by 2020, and (like the generations before them) they’re shaking things up.
First thing’s first, this is not a new concept. Every generation brings new strengths and opinions into the workforce based on the society and economic climate they grew up in.
Here’s just a few things I think Generation Y will contribute (or are already contributing) to the workforce:
1) A better work-life balance. Whether it be flexible hours or working remotely, this generation does not see value in sitting at a desk 9-5 day in and day out. Because, in my opinion, there isn’t value in it anymore with the invention of the internet, social media, and smart phones.
2) A career they care about. The generations before Y scoff at this idea without even thinking about it, it’s like a default reaction but why? You will spend a humongous amount of your life working, so why is loving what you’re working on considered a luxury?
3) Fun. For some work environments this could mean wearing jeans on a Monday, for other work places it could mean taking an hour everyday to play Halo in teams. According to this guy, having a fun work environment is one of the top qualities Gen Y looks for in a job.
The work will all get done today and it will be there long after you’re gone, why not enjoy it a little more?